Improving the Ecology of Thinking


Disclosure: No form of compensation or inducement, financial or otherwise, was provided to any of the following individuals. Their stories are unaltered, authentic and the words of their choosing.

Testimonial from Dr. Susan Crockett MD

1. What was your problem before you worked with Dr. Reed Miloy?
“Misalignment. My spiritual self was not aligned with my physical self. I think I told him in one of our first sessions that my body did not reflect my mind. And he told me that the body always reflects the mind. lol. My mind just was not aligned.”

2. What results did you get from his coaching?
“I became much more aware and mindful.
I have more peace and joy in my life.
I lost weight!
My skin and hair and gut biome are healthier.
My relationships improved.
My stress levels went way down. In fact, I made it through my divorce hearing with an attitude of compassion, grace, and light.
I’ve successfully converted to “mostly vegan” and integrated it wholly into my lifestyle.
I’ve greatly increased my self-integrity. Still working on that.
I changed the way I thought of myself from a bunch of different hats, or titles, to a fully integrated person, grounded in purpose.
I discovered others, like me, who identify as Contemplative Christians and practice centering prayer, or meditation as a regular part of their life.
I do yoga. And like some of it.
My body muscles and aches, inflammation, decreased.”

3. What exactly did you like most about his coaching?
“His open-mindedness, willingness to consider and be curious without judgment. Also, he is extremely knowledgeable and great at integrating science with spirit. His curriculum is incredible and needs to be shared on a much broader scale.”

4. Why would you recommend this to someone who might be on the fence?
“It’s not just about what to eat. It’s about re-alchemizing the whole body and adjusting the nervous system. Fascinating and highly effective.”

5. What was your main concern that would have prevented you from doing this coaching, and what put your fears to rest?
“Probably the financial commitment. Also, the idea that we would be re-wiring my brain. That’s a little intimidating. I think what put my fears to rest is that he allowed me to take my time and integrate the changes at my own pace. “

6. If you were to recommend Dr. Miloy’s coaching to your best friend, what would you say?
“His program is amazing and life-changing. But I don’t really need to say anything. My friends are saying, “You look amazing! What are you doing?” My new look and light are a billboard and my recommendation.”

7. What is life like now that you’ve experienced Dr. Miloy’s coaching?
“Puppies and roses! lol. JK. Life still has plenty of challenges, but my Capacity for handling has exponentially grown and I’ve found new social circles to continue to support my spiritual growth and journey. I have a Deep Knowing and calmness that pervades most of what I do.”

8. What surprised you the most or made you the happiest about working with Dr. Miloy?
“I just loved our zoom call coaching sessions. Great teaching. Great conversations. I love expanding my consciousness, and Dr. Miloy always had plenty to share with me in that regard. That is rare. Not many people can keep up with me, intellectually, spiritually, let alone consistently bring more ideas to challenge my consciousness. To find someone who I could look up to and learn from and trust in a weight loss program….well…very surprising. Dr. Miloy is a genuine jewel. I am so grateful to him for his patience and steady guidance in helping me heal.”

Dr. Susan Crockett MD


With Joel Osteen prior to working with Reed Miloy MD.


“I lost 30 lbs, feel and look better than I have in years. I like the improved man I see staring back in the mirror. My cardio health is dramatically improved and I now have the energy to do the things I want to. My blood tests are the best they have been in 30 years! All of the above is the result of the Balance MD program supervised by Dr. Miloy. Not only does he provide motivation and support but he helps you change your thinking which leads to lasting results.

Take the plunge, it’s well worth the effort! I am more than happy to share my experience with you!”

Jim Musso

“Not only does he provide motivation and support, but he helps you change your thinking which leads to lasting results.”

Jim sustaining weight loss two years after coaching with Dr. Reed Miloy MD

“Since joining the program I’ve achieved my two primary goals of reaching an ideal BMI and weight for my height, but the reality is that I’ve achieved so much more. I’m like a new person mentally and physically”

Cathy at a BMI of 21.5


“I feel great! It’s like I’m a new person mentally and physically. I’m more content, positive, energetic, and engaged in life. Want to know how I did it? I overcame my fears and joined Dr. Miloy’s Balance MD program.

When I joined Dr. Miloy’s program, I was a 50-something woman dealing with menopausal symptoms plus the life stress that so many of us deal with including working a stressful job and care-giving for my Dad. I also have a family history including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and vascular dementia. I witnessed how these health problems negatively affected my Dad’s life as he aged and I knew I needed to make changes to protect my own health. Still, I was struggling to lose weight and felt too exhausted to exercise. I was stuck.

Before joining Dr. Miloy’s program I did try other approaches. My prior physician recommended reducing my daily calorie intake and the weight would “fall off”. Well I did restrict, and it certainly didn’t “fall off”. I struggled to lose 12 pounds over the course of 1 year. I used MyFitnessPal to track my calorie intake, which did help raise my awareness, but something was missing since I wasn’t losing the weight. I did a lot of reading on nutrition and exercise and tried various changes. Some helped, some didn’t, and sometimes I just didn’t stick with the changes.

My husband and I met with Dr. Miloy for a free consultation to learn about his Balance MD program. I decided to join because the program would be; one-on-one between me and Dr. Miloy, tailored to my needs and goals, and would focus on more than just calorie restriction and exercise. I was a bit concerned about the time commitment for meetings and homework, but I chose to move forward because the benefits I perceived outweighed these concerns.

Dr. Miloy’s program has exceeded all my expectations. From the first appointment, I was made to feel welcome, that I was a priority, and that the entire team cared about me and wanted me to succeed. Dr. Miloy was incredibly attentive, caring, and patient. He’s an excellent listener, coach, and teacher. He was calming when I was feeling stressed, and like any great coach, new just when I needed to be challenged or pushed to be achieve my goals.

Since joining the program I’ve achieved my two primary goals of reaching an ideal BMI and weight for my height, but the reality is that I’ve achieved so much more. I’m like a new person mentally and physically. I’ve made many positive changes in my life, but the most impactful has been making myself the #1 priority and adap- ting the rest of my life to support my health goals.

To be successful I had to overcome obstacles like; believing that I didn’t have time to cook or exercise regularly, being exhausted all the time, and prioritizing work and care-giving over my own health. Dr. Miloy’s program provided me with the structure, tools, and support to reduce or eliminate obstacles. Dr. Miloy has helped me become my best self and I am truly grateful.

I highly recommend Dr. Miloy’s Balance MD program if you are struggling with weight issues or want to improve your overall health and well-being.”

Cathy Laffan


“Two years ago my blood pressure was 188/122 and I was 50 lbs overweight. My stress level was high and I was unhappy with my health and appearance. It was extremely helpful to have regular appointments and accountability with Dr. Miloy. I was able to quickly lose the weight without feeling deprived and keep it off. I learned how to identify the foods and moods that caused my weight gain and easily avoid them.”

Juliane Smith

You can experience a free meet and greet to learn more about the Balance MD weight loss program
by contacting me at and I’ll promptly respond.