This supplement shop was inspired by my patients repeatedly asking for guidance on supplements.  The supplement market is very noisy, full of false claims, and has quality and safety issues. 

This shop is a reflection of hundreds of hours of clinical research on various health conditions and individual products.  Combined with over 25 years of my own clinical experience with numerous supplement products this greatly simplifies the process of product selection for you.  

Independent testing labs with no financial ties to the industry were used to determine safety and quality to assist with product selection.  Evidence based clinical trials also factored as a major selection criteria for the products in this shop. 

The best way to use supplements is to support a healthy lifestyle – particularly nutrition.  I encourage you to inform your healthcare provider with a list of the supplements you are taking. 

***Under each category there is more than one option.  This provides you with a second option if there is a supply chain issue and our original product is not in stock***

Science Based Protocols

These protocols consist of products backed by evidence based science to support your health needs.  I have used them in my clinical practice and found them to be safe and effective. They are intended to support a healthy lifestyle of adequate exercise, sleep, emotional well-being and a whole food plant based diet.