“I never worry about action, but only inaction.”
~ Winston Churchill


Life Coaching helps you with a specific personal or professional problem/project. It helps you solve these challenges more quickly and achieve much more than you would on your own. It helps you define where you are and where you want to go. It asks why do you want to go there and how do you turn your dreams into reality?

Your journey will be unique and have obstacles and opportunities. Actively listening and getting to know you along with powerful questioning will help us overcome the barriers and recognize new possibilities.


  • Resolve a personal or professional relationship issue that is blocking you
  • Gaining clarity about what you want
  • Help with a difficult life transition
  • Bring your life into balance.
  • No longer feeling overwhelmed.
  • Increase productivity.
  • Become more organized and focused to reach your goals
  • Improving confidence/self esteem
  • Creating a plan to reach your goals faster
  • Overcoming obstacles and fears
  • Discover your life’s possibilities
  • Have an accountability partner
  • Receiving support and compassion
  • Discover how to reach your potential

Often times we have limiting beliefs and thoughts that sabotage our progress. My coaching will help you identify these so you can move beyond them and achieve your goals.

My Life Coaching Co-creates a non-judgmental and supportive partnership that will accelerate your progress in the following ways:

“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.”
– Lao Tzu

  • Identify and clarify your goals.
  • Understand your present situation better.
  • Build a solid foundation of your values and principles.
  • Create your vision and tap into your inner wisdom and potential.
  • Focus on your strengths and dreams.
  • Explore why and how you will make your goals happen.
  • Move past limiting beliefs that stand in your way.
  • Accelerate your self discovery and development.
  • Apply unrecognized resources to help you achieve what you want.
  • Create specific measurable action plans that have strong support and resources to achieve your goals.
  • Cultivate motivation, determination and accountability to keep you moving towards your dream.

It’s a fun process and we celebrate the victories along the way!

Warm and compassionate regards,

Reed Miloy MD


You can experience a free meet and greet by contacting me at and I’ll promptly respond.

“The 3 C’s in life: Choice, Chance, Change. You must make the Choice, to take the Chance, if you want anything in life to Change.”
~ Unknown


International Coaching Federation – member

American Medical Association -member

Certified by American Board of Internal Medicine

Obesity Medicine Association – member

Texas Medical Association – member

Kerr/Bandera County Medical Society – former president/current member