“Don’t Wish it Were Easier. Wish You Were Better.”

~Jim Rohn


Henry David Thoreau wrote in Walden, “The mass of men live lives of quiet desperation.” This silent suffering inevitably leads to mental and physical illness. If extreme enough, anxiety and depression can eventually lead to suicide. If not suicide then premature death from the physical diseases that manifest from living disconnected from one’s authentic self and life purpose. I find this tragic and unnecessary.

As a physician I used to become frustrated because I could not help a person get to the root cause of their medical problem. Coaching helps the individual discover the source, resolve the problem, grow and move forward. I coach because it is the single most effective way to help a person get what they need and want. It helps them break free and express themselves authentically to the world.

I’m not hear to tell you what to do. I’m here to help you not silently take your exceptional talents and gifts prematurely to the grave. It’s my life’s mission to raise awareness so others can awaken to be their most authentic an optimal self. Who are you? Why are you here? How do you want to live you life? What are you willing to fight or die for? What are you afraid of? What keeps you up at night? What are your goals? Are you living your dreams or someone else’s? What are you putting with? What is blocking you? I’m here to ask the thought provoking questions to broaden your perspective and be curious about what other possibilities exist for you. I’m here to hold a sacred space, a vision, so you can be still, go within and find your answers.



In the last few decades Coaching has emerged globally into the mainstream to serve the personal and organizational quest for excellence. Coaching is an integration of multiple disciplines including: personal development, sports, eastern and western spiritual philosophies, counseling, mentoring, management, consulting, language, communication arts, career development and much more. Coaching continues to evolve and improve on helping people and organizations face the challenges of an accelerating world. Scientifically, there is no better model to empower personal or organizational change than Coaching.

Coaching defined: Coaching is a partnering and catalyzing relationship that accelerates great performance and achievement. It’s about identifying purpose and living that purpose.


  • Improve Health
  • Achieve sustainable weight loss
  • Gain clarity on your life’s purpose
  • Reduce Stress, Overwhelm & Simplify
  • Balance work, health, family life, personal interests and be more productive
  • Improve Relationships
  • Increase financial health
  • Experience greater energy and vitality
  • Get ahead professionally
  • Improve Leadership Skills
  • Decrease leadership stress and have clarity on an organization’s vision
  • Set Better Goals
  • Reach Goals Faster
  • Save Time & Money
  • Sleep better at night
  • Have more fun in one’s life
  • Make Better Decisions
  • Have a collaborative partner


My coaching combines an established proven approach with more than a quarter century of experience as a medical doctor. I have seen and experienced the spectrum of the human condition. There will be no surprises.

We are all developing as we move through life. Our experiences and problems provide us with learning opportunities and growth but sometimes we spin in or spin in the Cycle of Self Destruction. Here are a few ways that my coaching can help you break free:



Getting to know you and listening beyond your words helps me to ask powerful thought provoking questions that re-frame the gaps in your thinking and identify limiting beliefs. These gaps are then filled in with new insights and awareness. New tools and resources are also brought to bear to move forward. This is where the “Ah ha” moments occur and you discover a new path.



I’m a partner not a parent. I’ll ask you up front what form of accountability works best for you. I’ll support and challenge you to reach your highest potential. I’ll help you create a strategic plan, make sure you have a solid structure in place to reach your specific goals. If you miss the mark, with kindness I will hold your feet to the fire so you may achieve what you want. Ultimately, I will show you how to generate accountability from within through a process called “Alignment.” When you are aligned you are a multi-dimensional being. You cannot fail.



Hiring a coach is an act of courage. It’s putting down the self help books, tuning out the noise of family and friends. It’s choosing not to tolerate underachievement anymore and teaming with an expert that is unbiased. People never believe me when I tell them they are already complete. A lifetime of conditioning and the noise in their mind has kept them from hearing the wisdom that already resides within. When you learn how to listen from your Deep Being, you will no longer feel the need to think about finding your answers. The answers will find you. They always do.



It takes humility and courage to open ourselves to help. To put the self reliant ego aside and connect with another human who will help us put the good hurt on ourselves so we may grow. Like a muscle that is stretched and pushed you will become stronger, wiser and more exible. My coaching will help you measure your progress with tangible results. I will help you invigorate your passion and creativity so you can go further than you ever imagined. You will “hurt” but you will be thankful for it and reap the benets. We make this journey as partners. Along the way we quickly build a foundation for a better life. We explore your vision, remove barriers, identi- fy and play to your strengths, broaden your choices and make better decisions. You will learn to develop habits that serve you. We have fun, celebrate the breakthroughs and remove obstacles that have held you back.


Our potential and meaning are oceanic. I believe in your ability to discover your own depths, find your voice and express it in the most authentic way possible. You must look inward and be still. There are no short cuts. What you are willing to fight or die for and what you show the world must be aligned. When they are, the world will recognize and trust your voice. The world will become your ally.

Self reliance and toughness have always worked for you in the past, why are they not working now? To echo the famous English poet John Donne, “No man is an island…send not to know for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.” The first step of change is having the humility to accept the ringing in your head and acknowledge you need help. We have been conditioned to not make ourselves vulnerable. How is that working for you? We all have cracks in our armor…it’s how the light gets in.

What I want for you is to have hope, courage and faith that there is a better approach or strategy for dealing with your dilemma, and to take action so you may experience the healthiest and most meaningful life possible. A great life is your birthright.

Warm and compassionate regards,

Reed Miloy MD

To experience a free meet and greet contact me at and I’ll promptly respond.

“The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.”
~ Michaelangelo


International Coaching Federation – member

American Medical Association -member

Certified by American Board of Internal Medicine

Obesity Medicine Association – member

Texas Medical Association – member

Kerr/Bandera County Medical Society – former president/current member