N-acetyl cysteine – is an amino acid that is converted by the body into a potent antioxidant known as glutathione. 

A dose of 600 mg twice per day during flu season has been shown to reduce symptoms of flu by 79% versus 25% for placebo.  The same dose has also been shown to reduce flare ups of chronic bronchitis over a 3-6 month period.

It has not been shown to prevent Covid 19, but one study of hospitalized covid patients showed 600 mg twice/day reduced mortality from 30% to 4.7%

Vitamin D vitamin D deficiency (< 20 ng/mL) has been associated with worse flu and Covid 19 outcomes. Its role in immune function and inflammatory diseases in general is becoming more apparent. Work with your healthcare provider to achieve a level between 30-60 ng/mL

Quercetin has been shown to inhibit a wide variety of viruses: coronavirus, Epstein-Barr, Zika, hepatitis C and even Ebola. Human studies have been limited to small trials but have shown promise in preventing upper respiratory infections at a dose of 1000 mg/day. And perhaps reducing severity of Covid 19 at 200 mg twice/day – but more studies are needed.
Take with a fatty meal as quercetin is poorly absorbed

Zinc – short term use of zinc lozenges (80-92 mg/day) started within 24 hours of cold symptoms has been shown to reduce cold symptoms by 20-40% in a meta-analysis.

Garlic (Allium sativum)- allicin appears to be the important precursor molecule in garlic.
Laboratory studies have demonstrated that garlic can inhibit rhinovirus type 2 and influenza B. A double randomized control trial showed that garlic (containing allicin powder 180 mg) daily for 3 months led to a significant reduction in reported cold symptoms.