Learn and experience how to live longer, healthier and more fulfilled.

Reed Miloy explores the art and science of wellness by sharing over two decades of integrative medical experience and coaching principals to optimize your life.

Reed Miloy MD is a board certified Internal Medicine physician and international Life and Wellness coach. His areas of interests are chronic disease reversal, prevention, longevity, treating obesity naturally, using Life Purpose coaching for optimum health and exceptional life performance.


“Compassion, excellence, expertise and deep care are appropriate descriptors of Dr. Reed Miloy. The quality of his presence when engaging in a conversation naturally creates an evocative, safe space for exploration and growth in whatever he is supporting on. Personally, I have experienced the power of his amazing level of curious inquiry and desire to support. Whether he is in his role as a Doctor, a Coach, a Speaker or a researcher, what he brings to the table is inspiring and opens the door to even further discovery, health and wellness. He’s more than worth your time to connect in any of his roles!”

Pamela Richard MA, MCC

Co-creator of the International Coaching Federation

Pamela Richarde is a Master Certified Coach & co-creator of the International Coaching Federation. She has been a key player in the establishment and evolution of the coaching movement. She is a Professional Mentor Coach, seasoned and accomplished coaching instructor. Her Executive Coaching & Training experience includes:

– Federal Aviation Administration – Merril Lynch – Morgan Stanley – Royal Bank Canada – Blue Cross – Blue Shield – Thomson Reuters

“With his extensive knowledge base as a seasoned Internal Medicine physician and practitioner of his own lifestyle recommendations, Reed is a consummate guide to help you prevent or even reverse the underlyin causes of chronic disease. I have personally witnessed the effectiveness of his coaching on what would be consider the most difficult cases of chronic disease and obesity”

Larry Scherwitz Ph.D

Senior Research Director
Preventive Medicine Research Institute

Dr. Scherwitz trained in psychophysiology at Harvard Medical School. He served as senior research director at the Preventive Medicine Research Institute with Dean Ornish MD. He was the Co-Principal investigator with Dr. Ornish on the landmark Lifestyle Heart Program- published in the Lancet and JAMA. Larry has presented to and been referenced by the Dalai Lama for his research on self-involvement and heart disease.


Table of Health

Table of Health

After finishing the formal traditional western medical training, I was convinced the health care system was broken. It was a heartbreaking experience to witness tremendous financial, intellectual and emotional resources allocated towards patients that had drifted too far down the chronic disease river of death- human suffering is impossible to measure but our system is encouraging it. The world is crying out for a better way.

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Mindfulness or Thought Observation is derived from the Buddhist practice of meditation to enhance awareness in the present moment. Although there is debate regarding details of the Buddha’s life, the popular story is that 2500 years ago in the Nepalese Himalayan foothills a young prince, Siddhartha Gautama, was born into wealth and all the privileges that accompanied it. Protected from the outside world he lived a sheltered life.

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Asteroids, Monkeys and Our Dietary Journey

Asteroids, Monkeys and Our Dietary Journey

Sometimes you need a little luck. Sixty six million years ago it came in the form of an asteroid 10-14 km in diameter slamming into the present day Yucatan peninsula. It brought the 180 million year reign of the dinosaurs to an abrupt end. Until that moment reptiles were alpha. Dominating almost every aspect of animal life on earth. They were so efficient at predation that mammals could barely eek out a living as small nocturnal rodents.

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